Monday, December 20, 2010

Chorus Sings for Seniors

Thanks to the WCCS chorus  for  bringing the 
sounds of the season
to senior citizens at Seabury Woods !

Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Greetings

Our staff is proud to be a part of  the Wheatland-Chili family that invests in the youth of this community.

Holidays are more than any one tradition or ritual but more about the commonality we have to celebrate with family and friends.

Whatever your holiday routine we hope you have the time to enjoy and rejuvenate as we begin 2011!

Best Wishes,

Tom Gallagher

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Special Election

Board of Education Election
Thursday, December 16th
7 AM - 9 PM 
MS HS Main Lobby

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Meet and Talk with Board Candidates

"Meet the Candidates" Night
Monday, December 13
T.J . Connor Cafeteria
6:30 p.m.

You will have an opportunity to meet and ask questions of the three candidates running for an open seat on the Wheatland-Chili Board of Education

  • Mark Strivings
  • Charles Hall 
  •  Eileen Hansen
Election Day is Thursday, December 16, 2010
Polls will be open 7 AM-9 PM
 Middle High School Lobby

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wheatland Kicks Off the Holidays for Monroe County

Maggie Brooks Lights Christmas Tree
And Kicks Off Holiday Concert Series

County Executive Maggie Brooks will lead a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in the Atrium of the County Office Building to kick off the 2010 Holiday Concert Series.

Holiday music in the County Office Building has become an annual tradition, with numerous school musical ensembles from across the community taking part each year.

The first concert feature will be the
Wheatland-Chili High School Concert Band

The Band is comprised of district students and is directed by Steven Zimmerman. Wheatland-Chili High School Concert Band’s performance has coincided with the lighting of the County Christmas tree for many years and has become a tradition itself.

  All are invited.

 Atrium of the County Office Building
 39 W. Main Street
 December 1, 2010.
12:00 Noon

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Special BOE Meeting

Board of Education Meeting
discussing the

 Superintendent Search

 November 29,  2010

T.J.Connor  3rd Floor
 7:00 PM

Monday, November 22, 2010

Board of Education Presents Strategic Plan Tonight

The Board of Education presents
the 2009-2012 Strategic Plan

 November 22, 2010 
 Connor School

To see copy of the plan please see the link below

Thursday, November 18, 2010

THIS WEEKEND.....High School Un-Musical!

Wheatland-Chili High School Drama Club

High School Un-Musical
The Real High School Experience

Friday, November 19
and Saturday, November 20
WCCS High School Auditorium
7 P.M.

Tickets on sale at the Middle School Office 
585 889 6235
or at the  door
General Admission $5.00

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mesage from Mr Gallagher

To Members of the Wheatland-Chili Community,

The Wheatland Chili Board took action at their meeting on September 27th to search for new leadership for the district for the start the 2011-12 school year.

The Board believes a fresh perspective will enhance their ability to plan for the future. The Board of Education will announce the search process and associated timelines in the near future. Through the Superintendent search process, the Wheatland-Chili Central School District’s community will have the opportunity to have impact on the future of the District.
I will continue  to address the daily operations of the district and implement the District’s Strategic Plan through the end of the present school year.
It has been my privilege to work in the district for nearly two decades in several positions. It has been a wonderful journey that has taught me many things and connected me with many students, colleagues, and families along the way. I thank the many community members that have partnered with me to make the district a source of pride for the community. My experiences at Wheatland-Chili are ones that are part of who I am now and will fondly remain with me as I continue my professional journey.
Tom Gallagher
Superintendent of Schools

Friday Concert!














$5 Students

$5 Seniors

Free for Children Ages 6 and under

Friday, October 8, 2010

GROW Opportunities through PTA

Please take time
and GROW with PTA this year.

 Your PTA has the influence to:
  • Provide parent training
  • Share  thoughts and ideas with other parents
  • Groom leadership on behalf of your children
  • Provide enhancements to school programs

Download and complete the membership form 
  and return to any school office

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Homecoming 2010

Don't miss the action this weekend
 at Wheatland-Chili

Connor School "Welcome Back" Picnic
Thursday 5:30   PM

 Homecoming Parade
Saturday 11 AM
 (Begins at the Post Office  in town)

Junior Varsity Soccer Game
Saturday 4:30 PM

Varsity Soccer Game
Saturday 6:30 PM

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Days of School 2010

Looking forward to a productive year!

A great  first week...
take a look at the first few days of 2010-11!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Business Department Wins Award!

The results from the State Education Department contest is in and Wheatland-Chili Business Program has been awarded the Department of the Year award in this region!

  Congratulations to Mrs. Hourihan and the High School staff for continuing to provide challenging and updated business courses and opportunities for our students

What a great accomplishment for
Super job!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wheatland on FACEBOOK

Wheatland-Chili Central School District 


Help spread the word to your Wheatland-Chili friends and family that WCCSD is on Facebook! 

Paste this link in your status:

Another way to keep up to date with district and community activities!

Welcome Back 2010-2011

Wheatland-Chili Community,

Personalized Education with Powerful Results is the logo you see on our school publications. This is more than a motto. It is our objective to meet this goal each and every day we are with the children in our district.

As a school, academic excellence remains our primary focus. Our combined voices as a community will assure the highest quality education for our students now and in the years to come. Our current Strategic Plan is designed to review our current programs and strategies and act on how to capitalize on our successes and implement new approaches that will continue our transformation into a small organization that remains high achieving and efficient for the community.

Take a look at this video clip of some of our students!
Looking fforward to a productive year ahead,

Tom Gallagher

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Video on Website!

What Makes Us Different?
Take time to view our new public message announcement.
 It shares what Wheatland-Chili is all about and what we have to offer to our  students and community.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Congratulations to our Technology Department


is now a Certified Project Lead The Way High School

As a result of this certification, PLTW students are now eligible to apply for transcripted college credit for their high school PLTW courses.

Our staff played a significant role in the growth of the PLTW program and we commend them for their leadership. The PLTW Site Visit Team was impressed with all aspects of the program – especially the engagement and energy of the students, staff, and community.

Again, congratulations on our school’s achievement. We look forward to continue to ignite imagination and innovation through learning.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Music Booster Fundraiser



Dianne Wood Bochsler (Class of 78)

a Wheatland-Chili Alumni

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

7:00-8:30 PM

MSHS Auditorium

They have 3 CD's out. They have great harmony. Dianne plays guitar and Tara plays banjo. Tickets are $4.00. I am hoping you will stop in and check out an alum. It should be a good time

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

WCCS Student Seeks National Support

Chris Pyle, a WCCS high school student, initiated a campaign for national support for the fight against Crohn's Disease. See the link below to see YNN coverage and link to his website.

School Budget Passes!

Your strong support of the budget is an investment for the youth of our community.
Thanks to all for the support!

Friday, May 14, 2010

WCCS Budget Vote

School Budget Vote
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
High School Gym
940 North Road

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Former Student Raises Money for Cancer

The 100 Miles of Nowhere

To benefit the Livestrong Foundation

and support cancer research

What: A 100 mile bike ride with participants registered around the world! "100 Miles" refers to the distance ridden, "of Nowhere" refers to an infuriatingly small course (around the circle of East and West Cavalier Roads … 213 times!!!!!!).Join us

(unofficially) and ride, walk, rollerblade, or jog as much or as little as you want! (or just pull up a lawnchair and watch as the spectacle unfolds!)

When: Saturday May 8th 6AM to whenever the task is completed! (It should take 10 hours give or take a few!) You can come anytime and stay as long as you like!!

Where: Headquarters is 72 W. Cavalier Rd., Scottsville, NY. (Don’t forget your lunch and your lawn chairs!!) Snacks will be available for sale with proceeds donated to Livestrong.

Who: Corey Brandes of 72 West Cavalier Rd. will be riding 100 miles in 1 day around the circle 213 times. (your support will make this task much more bearable!)

Donations will be accepted but are not required. We’ve donated to enter the event. Any extra is icing on the cake to battle cancer!!

There is a map (attached) of the course and parking for those who are traveling from outside the village of Scottsville.

In order to get an idea of how many people are coming (and make arrangements) or ask questions, please e-mail [ ] by May 2nd if you’d like to support us and this great cause!!! Ride On!

Corey Brandes

Physical Education

Roth Middle School

Monday, April 19, 2010

District Reserves - Fiscally Effective for the Community

District reserve funds are an effective method Wheatland-Chili and all schools can use to manage both routine costs such as buses and equipment as well as unexpected costs such as building damages or repairs.
Effective use of these funds, with voter approval, keeps taxes low and predictable for our community.
The link below was produced by the Monroe County School Boards Association. It is a useful overview of how districts are able to use such voter approved funds.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

WCCS Presents: THE WIZ

Wheatland-Chili Middle /High School Presents

The Wiz

March 26 & 27 at 7 PM

A special preview matinee is also available for seniors on March 24 at 4 PM

The Wiz is a musical with music and lyrics by Charlie Smalls and book by William F. Brown. It is a re-telling of L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in the context of African American culture.The original 1975 Broadway production won seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical.

Call 889 6235 for ticket information

Monday, March 1, 2010

Best for Less

Were you aware that Wheatland-Chili in cooperation with many surrounding school districts is involved in a cooperative bidding process to save money for local taxpayers?

Please click on this link to go to the Monroe County School Boards site and view the short BEST FOR LESS video that describes our efforts to contain cost wherever possible.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wheatland-Chili is Fiscally Prepared for State Cuts

A recent article on the news on Channel 13 ( ) suggested that our District is not prepared for the impact of the Governor‘s proposed budget. This is totally inaccurate!

The Board of Education’s financial oversight for the district has been anticipating the current impact of the Governor’s proposed budget reductions. Their fiscal decisions have been proactive and well thought-out over multiple years to assure program consistency with a reasonable balance of expenditures and revenues.

Current State Aid Picture

WCCS is projected to receive $784,279 less State aid than in 2009-10. That is a loss of approximately 11.2% in State aid revenue.

This is a significant amount but one the Board has been anticipating and working to address.

The Fiscal Committee of the Board is guided by the following principles to address anticipated loss of revenue from the State:

· Keep levy at acceptable level…flat when possible

· Maintain reserves for use in fiscal management

· BOE commitment to replenish reserves to be used as a fiscal tool

· If State aid is partially restored reconsider all strategies used

· Ongoing savings throughout each fiscal year

This May will be the third consecutive budget that the Board will bring to the voters that is less than the previous year’s budget. The district remains in excellent fiscal condition and is prepared to address reductions in State revenues with minimal impact on program or the tax levy by using multi-year fiscal plans, ongoing budgetary reductions, and planned use of reserves.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Support Interact Club!

Ground Hog Day Dinner

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

MS/HS Cafeteria

4:30 -7:30

Eat in or Take out

call 889-6227 for Tickets