Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wheatland-Chili is Fiscally Prepared for State Cuts

A recent article on the news on Channel 13 ( ) suggested that our District is not prepared for the impact of the Governor‘s proposed budget. This is totally inaccurate!

The Board of Education’s financial oversight for the district has been anticipating the current impact of the Governor’s proposed budget reductions. Their fiscal decisions have been proactive and well thought-out over multiple years to assure program consistency with a reasonable balance of expenditures and revenues.

Current State Aid Picture

WCCS is projected to receive $784,279 less State aid than in 2009-10. That is a loss of approximately 11.2% in State aid revenue.

This is a significant amount but one the Board has been anticipating and working to address.

The Fiscal Committee of the Board is guided by the following principles to address anticipated loss of revenue from the State:

· Keep levy at acceptable level…flat when possible

· Maintain reserves for use in fiscal management

· BOE commitment to replenish reserves to be used as a fiscal tool

· If State aid is partially restored reconsider all strategies used

· Ongoing savings throughout each fiscal year

This May will be the third consecutive budget that the Board will bring to the voters that is less than the previous year’s budget. The district remains in excellent fiscal condition and is prepared to address reductions in State revenues with minimal impact on program or the tax levy by using multi-year fiscal plans, ongoing budgetary reductions, and planned use of reserves.

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